I'm a husband, father or 4, lizard enthusiast and Christian who loves to draw CARtooned cars. I started Micahdoodles (part-time) after I began getting requests to draw people's vehicles in Dec. of 2014. It's been a wild ride as my style continues to change and develop. I draw most nights after my family goes to bed from 10pm to midnight catching up on client requests and sharpening my skills.
My encouragement for those car artists is to get involved in a car artist forum either on IG or Fb. Draw and post often and learn from others. Most of all, have fun at what you do.

One night after I took my son and his friend home from basketball practice, I noticed a drawing pad in the back seat. My son's friend had left it by accident. I brought it inside and decided to draw him a picture in it as a surprise. I decided to draw a truck. I sketched it out, then inked it in, then closed the drawing pad. I was excited for the surprise my son's friend would get when he opened it. I decided to post that drawing on Instagram and also facebook. I shared the story then went to bed. A few days later I was contacted by a gradeschool friend (Ken Tisdel) who saw my drawing on facebook. He wanted to commission me to draw 3 drawings for him.

After completing Ken's drawing, I continued to draw and post on IG and facebook. My style was cartoonish with pen lines drawn with sharpie markers. Then one night I decided to try something different. I found a box of old design markers from when I was at NAU. They were ancient and only about 10% had any ink left in them, so I made due with what I had. Since I own a 1956 Bug, I decided to test them out. The outcome was night and day...there was no going back...I needed to get some new markers, but where, and how was I going to afford them?

My friend Ken called one night as I was finishing a drawing. I had posted my color rendition of my bug, and was excited for the direction these drawings were taking. I was getting comments and likes on facebook and Instagram, so I planned to get my work out there and see what would happen. That meant I would need to draw more and post often. I shared that with Ken and my dilemma and need for pens...Ken said "I'll buy them for you! What kind do you need?" I was blown away. God had provided what I needed through a friend. I was so excited and anxious to get started when my pen's arrived. I started drawing more and posting and got my second commissioned piece. Lera saw my work on IG and wanted her car drawn. Was this turning into a side business? Thats when #micahdoodles was born.
After completing Lera's Jaguar, I decided to start posting scriptures with each picture I drew. God had blessed me and I wanted to honor Him in what I did. I knew people were beginning to follow me and like my art, so what an opportunity to share God's Word.
ICONIC VEHICLES... 1st month
I had an idea to start drawing popular vehicles that people would appreciate and enjoy. One thing about drawing vehicles, it stikes a chord with people. We all have memories of vehicles we had or wish we still had. Its been fun hearing those stories of people and clients Iv'e met.

Looking back its been fun to see how my style has changed and become more fine tuned the more I drew. As of today, I have over 80 vehicles I've draw. What started out as a gift, has now turned into a business. I truly thank God and give Him all the credit.

STANCE 2... 2nd month
Decided to try a different look, exagerating the wheels, and squishing the body.

STANCE 3... 3rd month
My Style is developing more of an Agressive "Raked" look.

STANCE 4...4th month
Fine Tuned that "Raked" look.

STANCE 5...5th month
Hot Rod & Muscle Car - Aggressive and smokin' fast

STANCE 6...5th month
Finetuned and fun - Driving Over the Hill

GOING DIGITAL ... NOVEMBER 2016 to Present
This new media direction came with its own set of challenges. My first attemps were pretty crude but after a few months I began to get the hang of it and started developing my style. I posted often on social media and new opportunities opened to start Cartoonedtees. Its been over a year now... I continue to post new vehicles for customers to purchase on tshirts.

TOYMAKERZ ... drawing on Velocity channel
David Ankin, the Host of TOYMAKERZ, contacted me and wanted to know if I wanted to draw his builds on TOYMAKERZ for Season 2.